

Create your own USB flash password

🔰How To Create Your Own USB Password Stealer🔰

🌀 Requirements

LaZagne Password Recovery Tool

Ⓜ️ Steps

1. The first part to this is to find any old USB drive and backing up any important files on it.

2. On your flash Drive Create a New Folder and Give it Any name. 

3. Now inside this folder Put "LaZagne Password Recovery Tool" inside the folder we just created

4. We will now create a batch file to run all of these programmes at once so it saves us time this also helps if we would like to hide the programmes we can just leave the batch file un-hidden and it will launch all of them for us. Open Notepad and copy the Following inside the Notepad. 

5. Now we have all our programmes and our batch file together on the USB we can either choose to finish now or hide those programmes. If you don't wish to hide those programmes you can simply run the launch.bat on your machine or a victims machine and it will reveal all there passwords and other information and save as your desired name .txt or .cfg File.

6. If you want to hide these files select all the files on the USB drive apart from the batch file right click and select properties now tick hidden and click ok.

7. Done You Have Create Password Stealer
