

Distribution Plan for OpenEX (OEX) Tokens

Total Supply: 10,000,000,000 (10Bn) OEX tokens, to be gradually released over a 5-year period.

Community Airdrop (20%):
This allocation is designated to reward and incentivize early community members. It will be implemented in phases to mitigate excessive market volatility.

Early Contributors (10%):
Reserved for rewarding early supporters, these tokens will remain locked for the first year (four quarters), with gradual release beginning in the fifth quarter. Over the subsequent 2.5 years, the tokens will be distributed in ten quarterly increments, releasing 1% of the early contributor tokens each quarter.

Core Team (15%):
Allocated to incentivize team members over the long term, these tokens will not be released in the initial four quarters, with distribution commencing in the fifth quarter. The release strategy will follow a linear pattern over 3.75 years, divided into fifteen quarters, reinforcing the team's enduring commitment.

OEX Foundation (25%): [No further details provided]